“Workers of the World Caress”: An interview with Gary Kinsman on gay and lesbian organizing in the 1970’s

“Workers of the World Caress”
An interview with Gary Kinsman on gay and lesbian organizing in the 1970’s Toronto Left
by Deborah Brock

BROCK: I would like us to begin by discussing how you became involved in gay and left politics. I believe that you became involved in the left first, and subsequently began to develop a politics of lesbian and gay inclusion within left politics. The ‘political moment’ for this was the early 1970’s, a period in which the left in North America was quite large, and in which there was wide spread participation in social movements by young people in particular. Of course, the work that you did, some of which we are going to discuss today, was not simply a product of that political moment, but was also part of creating new forms of politics and political organizing….
